1. An incompletion log is a list of all the data essential to your company in a sales document that has not yet been entered in the system.
Yes/No. – Yes.
2. Can you edit a incomplete order once you have saved in the system?
Yes/No. – Yes. List of all incomplete orders can be generated and can be edited.
3. Can u save an incomplete sales order.
Ø It depends on customizing in sales document type, whether a warning or an error message has to be given by the system.
4. You can create a new order with reference to an incomplete order.
Yes/No. – No. Any incomplete document cannot be taken as reference.
5. Incompleteness log can be maintained at all the three levels of a sales document.
Yes/No. – Yes.
6. Where do you assign the incompleteness procedure.
Ø Header level to Sales Document type
Ø Item level to Item categories
Ø Schedule line level to Schedule line categories.
7. What is the role of a status group in incompletion procedure?
Ø When you define the status groups, you decide which steps should be prevented if data is missing.
8. Where do you assign this status groups?
Ø A status group is assigned to each field in the incompletion procedure.
1. Business partners that exist in market place are represented with a partner type in the R/3 system.
Yes/No. – Yes.
2. What partner type exits in the system?
Ø AP – Contact Person
Ø KU – Customer
Ø LI – Vendor
Ø PE- Personnel
3. Partner function represents the role each partner type play within business transaction
Yes/No. – Yes.
4. Can one partner take on several functions?
Yes/No. – Yes.
5. What are the mandatory partner function for a sales order to be processed?
Ø Sold-to party (SP)
Ø Ship-to party (SH)
Ø Payer (PY)
Ø Bill-to party (BP)
6. The contact person can also be assigned to another customer.
Yes/No. – Yes.
7. Can you maintain partner relationships both in sales documents and in master data.
Yes/No. – Yes. you need to do separate partner determination for each of this objects.
8. Can you assign several partners to one partner function in the customer master?
Yes/No. – Yes.
9. Which is a unique partner function in customer master?
Sold-to Party.
10. In sales document, several partners can be assigned to a partner function
Yes/No. – No. only one partner can be assigned to each partner function, the exception is for outline agreements (partner functions AA and AW).
11. Can a sales document be created for two sold-to party?
Yes/No. – No.
12. Can a sales document have two Ship-to parties?
Yes/No. – Yes. Can be maintained at item partner level.
13. Is it possible to enter or change the address of a partner manually in a sales document once it is proposed from master data?
Yes/No. – Yes. It doesn’t effect the master data.
14. What are the partner objects for which you maintain partner determination?
Ø Customer Master à Account group
Ø Sales document Header à Sales Document type
Ø Sales document item à Item category in sales
Ø Delivery à Delivery type
Ø Billing header à Billing type
Ø Billing item à Billing type
Ø Sales Activity (CAS) à Sales activity type
15. Explain the partner determination procedure for customer master
Ø Partner Function to the Account group
Ø Partner Function to the Partner Procedure
Ø Partner procedure to the Account group
16. An account group controls what?
Ø Each data field, the number range and different information from can tab pages of the customer master.
17. Can you use other sources to automatically determine business partners in sales documents, Eg. Contact persons, Credit representative, forwarding agent etc
Yes/No. – Yes. we have to maintain relevant partner function in the partner procedure.
1. What are the two types of free goods function offered in the R/3 system.
Ø Inclusive: is a part of ordered quantity, both involve the same material and quantity units.
Ø Exclusive: extra goods free of charge, can be another article.
2. Can the quantity unit in exclusive free good be different?
Yes/No. – Yes.
3. What happens if the quantities in the main item change or if the pricing date changes in the sales order.
Ø The system re-reads the free goods master record, then deletes the sub-items and re-creates them.
Ø Any manual changes to the free good quantity are lost.
4. If prices is re-run in the sales order, does it effect the free goods determination?
Yes/No. – No.
5. in what way you restrict the master records of free goods
Ø Validity Period:
Ø Minimum Quantity
Ø Calculation type
Ø Delivery control
Ø Scales
6. Free goods quantity is the quantity that is calculated from discount quantity and not the minimum quantity.
Yes/No. – Yes.
7. What are the three rules provided by the system to calculate free goods
Ø Pro-rated: proportionate determination
Ø Unit related:
Ø Whole units
8. How the system transfers free goods information to CO-PA
Ø Scenario1: Pricing is deactivated for free goods, only cost is set in sub-item
Ø Scenario2: Pricing is activated but it is discounted with 100%.
Ø Scenario3: Cumulation of calculation price for sub-item configured at main item level.
9. How free goods are determined in the system
Ø it is determined based on the combination of Sales area, document pricing procedure and customer pricing procedure using condition technique.
1. For what material determination is used?
Ø Material determination provides you with a tool for automatically exchanging materials in the sales document.
2. A substitution reason to every master record in material determination defines how the material should be determined.
Yes/No. – Yes.
3. You do not need a material master record for the material number that you are replacing.
Yes/No. – Yes.
4. Can you find the information about the material which was replaced in the order.
Yes/No. – Yes. The item overview for Sales A view.
5. Can you configure the system so that you can select the products manually
Yes/No. – Yes. We have to enter reason for substitution 0005, then the system displays the list of materials that are maintained in the master record.
6. if there are more than one material in the master record, the sequence in which they appear defines the priority that they have.
Yes/No. – Yes.
7. In automatic product selection, the system replaces the entered material automatically if it is not available.
Yes/No. – Yes. we have to assign reason for substitution 0004 and 0006.
8. If automatic product selection is being used, the system may display the entered and the substituted material as main and sub-items in the sales order.
Yes/No. – Yes.
9. you can choose whether or not to re-run material determination when the delivery is created.
Yes/No. – Yes.
10. what happens when the system re-runs material determination
Ø the substitution may change due to the new availability situation
11. Is partial product selection allowed in material determination?
Yes/No. – Yes. The partial confirmation of product selection allows us to deal with shortfall cases.
12. Can you view the information on how the system determined the materials
Yes/No. – Yes. we can activate the analysis for material determination in the sales document.
13. How material is determined in a sales document?
Ø Material determination procedure is assigned to sales document type
14. Can you ensure in the system that a particular customer should not receive certain materials?
Yes/No. – Yes. by creating material listing
15. What happens when certain materials that are listed for sold-to party are excluded in payer master while creating a order.
Ø Sold-to party gets the precedence
16. You can also exclude certain materials for a particular customer in the system.
Yes/No. – Yes. by creating material exclusion
1. What are the two major outline agreements in the R/3 system
Ø Scheduling agreements
Ø Contracts: Value and quantity contracts
2. The scheduling agreements contain fixed delivery dates and quantities.
Yes/No. – Yes.
3. What happens when the quantity in the schedule line exceeds target quantity
Ø the system issues a warning message
4. How billing happens for a scheduling agreements?
Ø Processing invoice periodically eg. Once a month
Ø Collective invoice: deliveries due are billed
5. A contract is an outline agreement that is valid for certain period.
Yes/No. – Yes.
6. A contract does not contain any schedule lines, delivery quantities or delivery dates.
Yes/No. – Yes.
7. can you agree on special price agreements or delivery times in a contract
Yes/No. – Yes.
8. How a contract is fulfilled?
Ø With individual release orders.
9. What are the ways you can create a release order for a contract?
Ø Create with reference in the initial screen
Ø In the sales document menu
Ø Assign an order item subsequently
Ø Use automatic system search for open outline agreements
10. Can you customize your system so that it automatically searches for any open outline agreements?
Yes/No. – Yes. enter the messages for contract field in the sales document types
11. What is a value contract?
Ø It defines that your customer agrees to purchase a fixed total value(target amount) of goods and services during the defined period. It includes:
Ø Special price agreements
Ø Customer restriction
Ø Material restrictions
12. Can the target value be changed once you have created a value contract.
Yes/No. – Yes.
13. How can you restrict the materials in value contract
Ø Product hierarchy
Ø List of Valid materials (Assortment Module)
Ø Restriction by copying control at item level
Ø Materials that are permitted for the sales area for which value contract exists.
14. Assortment module for value contracts are maintained in the master data for products.
Yes/No. – Yes.
15. What happens when you do not maintain any data in assortment module
Ø All the materials in sales can be released in value contract.
16.A release order releases a partial quantity of the agreed total value of the goods or services from a contract.
Yes/No. – Yes.
17. Can you create a release order in any currency?
Yes/No. – Yes. the system automatically updates to the currency of the contract
18. Can we assign an order to a contract later?
Yes/No. – Yes. Both at header and Item level.
19. How billing is done in value contract?
There are two types
Ø Bill each release order (Order or delivery related)
Ø Billing plan for several dates and for partial quantities.
20. Is automatic billing done for value contracts?
Yes/No. – No.
21. What happens if the release order quantity exceeds target value.
Customization in item category
22. How do we ensure that which partners are authorized for a release of contract?
Ø Check partner authorization field should be maintained in the sales document type
23. the partner determination procedure assigns the partners authorized to release against the contract
Yes/No. – Yes. (AA and AW should be assigned to customer master record)
24. Partners authorized to release are only checked at header level.
Yes/No. – Yes.
25. At what level can you maintain a contract data
Ø Both at header and item level.
26. What is the use of a contract profile and where it is assigned to?
If you assign a contract profile to a sales document type, the system automatically determines default values specific to a contract such as
Ø Rules for determining start and end date of the contract
Ø Duration category
Ø Subsequent activities
Cancellation procedure
1. What processes are covered in Logistics Execution process?
Ø The goods receipt process: goods collected from vendor.
Ø The goods issue process: delivery to the customer.
Ø Internal warehouse processes: stock transfer posting
Ø The transportation process: outbound shipments, cost calculations etc.
2. SAP R/3 supports the following functions within shipping processing:
Ø Creation and processing of outbound deliveries
Ø Monitoring of goods availability
Ø Picking of goods with WM system
Ø Packing of goods in delivery
Ø Printing shipping documents
Ø Processing goods issue
Ø Controlling through overviews E.g. Deliveries to be processed etc
3. What is the delivery document structure and what are the key header data?
Header level:
Ø Shipping point, Ship-to party, route, document date
Item level:
4. What are the various options for delivering orders.
Ø Complete delivery
Ø Partial delivery
Ø Order combination
5. How and where do you store the delivery agreements for a customer?
Ø Delivery agreements are stored in either customer master record to customer-material info record of Sold-to party using indicators.
6. Delivery status is updated at both header and item level.
Yes/No. – Yes.
7. What information does the status indicators provide?
Ø Information about the work progress in the shipping activity.
8. The document flow can be displayed at header and item level for one or all items of a delivery document.
Yes/No. – Yes.
9. the overall processing status of the outbound delivery is in process until the billing document is generated, even if the shipping processing activities such as picking, packing, post goods issue are complete.
Yes/No. – Yes.
10. What are the other application areas of delivery apart from sales order.
Ø Outbound delivery,
Ø replenishment delivery,
Ø delivery for subcontract,
Ø returns delivery vendor,
Ø inbound delivery for purchase order,
Ø delivery from projects
11. The outbound delivery in SAP R/3 supports the processing of shipping activities in the warehouse and at the shipping point.
Yes/No. – Yes.
12. What is the document that is generated for combining the outbound deliveries?
Ø Shipment document.
13. Can a shipment document have multiple shipping point, ship-to party along a route?
Yes/No. – Yes.
14. can we create single shipment document for two different routes?
Yes/No. – No.
1. The plant plays central role in logistics?
Yes/No. – Yes.
2. Stocks are managed at the level of what?
Ø Storage location
3. What are the organizational units in a warehouse?
Ø Warehouse: a warehouse complex comprising of several storage location.
Ø Storage type: different warehouse areas, which differ from each other with respect to some technical features. E.g. Cold storage, high rack storage
Ø Picking area: below the storage type level, picking area groups together storage bins from picking point of view
Ø Staging area: goods are stored immediately after loading or unloading
Door: used for inbound and outbound delivery of goods
4. which organizational unit of a warehouse are stored at outbound delivery header?
Ø Door
Ø Staging area
5. can several storage locations within a plant refer to the same warehouse number.
Yes/No. – Yes.
6. The following are true about the shipping point
Ø An independent organizational unit which processes and monitors outbound deliveries and goods issue.
Ø It is determined in the order at item level
Ø A shipping point can process outbound deliveries of several plants, provided plants are located in the same general vicinity.
Ø Several shipping points can be assigned to one plant
Ø A shipping point can also be set as goods receipt point.
1. What controls does the delivery document have?
Ø Number range
Ø Output determination
Ø Partner determination
Ø Route determination
Ø Relevant for shipping
Ø Delivery split by warehouse number
Ø Texts
Ø Reference to order
2. What are the standard delivery types in the system?
Ø EL: Inbound delivery
Ø LB: Delivery for subcontract order
Ø LF: Outbound delivery
Ø LO: Delivery w/o order reference
Ø LP: Delivery from projects
Ø LR: Returns delivery
Ø NL: Replenishment delivery
1. What control does the delivery item category has in the document?
Ø The delivery item category controls how delivery items are handled and processed during the shipping process.
2. How an item category is determined in the delivery document?
Ø For items with order reference using the copying control function and for items without order reference the system takes into account the delivery type and item category group from material master of the item.
5. What shipping relevant customizing is done in sales?
Order type:
Ø Delivery type proposal
Ø Requested delivery date proposal
Ø Immediate delivery
Order item category:
Ø Delivery relevance
Ø Schedule line allowed
Schedule line category:
Ø Delivery relevance
Ø Movement type allowed
1. While determining the shipping point the shipping condition assigned in the sales document type is takes precedence than that of sold-to party.
Yes/No. – Yes.
2. can you manually overwrite the route in the order once it is defaulted by the system?
Yes/No. – Yes.
3. you can redetermine the route in the delivery.
Yes/No. – Yes. based on weight of delivery items, it depends on customization of delivery type.
4. What type of scheduling you can do in outbound delivery for determining the delivery date?
Ø Forward scheduling (depends on customizing of document type.)
5. How the times are calculated in scheduling?
Ø Precise scheduling: displays the scheduling in times based on shipping point-working times.
Ø Daily scheduling: displays the scheduling in days based on the shipping point factory calendar.
6. Pick/pack time and loading time is calculated based on what?
Ø Shipping point working times
7. Transportation lead time and transit time is calculated based on what?
Ø Based on Route
8. What is used to organize outbound deliveries for shipping?
Ø Route schedule
9. Route schedule can also be used as selection criteria for the individual steps in shipping processing.
Yes/No. – Yes.
10. what information does a route schedule has?
Ø A route
Ø Departure date and time
Ø Ship-to parties
Ø An itinerary
11. A route schedule is assigned to what?
Ø Shipping point , Sales document type or delivery document type.
12. Can you deliver purchase orders or other requests manually?
Yes/No. – No. only collective processing is allowed.
13. Delivery scenarios are used for what?
Ø To model the different business process for deliveries. E.g. sales orders etc
14. what is user roles?
Ø User roles are used to fine-tune processing of delivery due list, they control the scope of selection and display of the delivery due list.
15. User roles are assigned to what?
Ø User roles are assigned to each delivery scenario.
16. Storage location are determined in the sales order.
Yes/No. – No. they are only determined in the outbound delivery.
17. How the system determines the picking location?
Ø Based on the MALA rule defined in the delivery type [shipping point, delivering plant and storage condition for the material]
18. User exit can also be used for storage location determination.
Yes/No. – Yes.
19. Staging area can be determined at both header and item level.
Yes/No. – Yes.
20. how staging area is determined?
Ø Header: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule
Ø Item level: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule with storage condition.
21. What happens if staging area is different from header to that of items?
Ø It causes a split in transfer order.
22. how doors are determined?
Ø Header: storage location of ship-to party or route schedule
23. Can you add items manually to the outbound delivery once it is created with reference to an order?
Yes/No. – Yes. item entered need not be with reference to an order.
24. we can change the shipping point and ship-to party in the delivery after saving it?
Yes/No. – No. header data cannot be changed.
25. What are the output types available in shipping?
Ø Header level: Delivery note(LD00), Packing list(PL00), Freight list(LL00) etc,
Ø Item level: Quality certificate(LQCA), Shipping label(0001) etc.
26. What is the use of an outbound delivery monitor?
Ø The outbound delivery monitor displays all deliveries that are still to be processed or that have just been processed according to each processing in shipping.
27. What is picking?
Ø Picking is the process of preparing goods for delivery to the customer with special attention paid to dates, quantity and quality.
28. Is all items in a delivery is relevant for picking?
Yes/No. – No. Only those items that are marked as relevant for picking in the item category can be picked.
29. Delivery is possible in an outbound delivery with partial picking.
Yes/No. – No. The pick quantity and the delivery quantity must be the same for doing post goods issue in a delivery document.
30. What is a transfer order?
Ø A transfer order is an instruction to move materials from source storage bin to a destination storage bin within a warehouse complex.
Ø It includes: Material number, Quantity and Source and destination storage bin.
31. Is separate confirmation required for transfer orders to verify quantities removed from warehouse?
Ø It depends on customization. It is defined for a shipping point.
32. What is the advantage of Lean WH management?
Ø Lean WH management does not have inventory management at the level of the storage bin; only fixed bin storage bins are maintained.
33. What is the structure of a Lean WH?
Ø At least one warehouse number and storage type is required.
34. Lean WH is assigned to what?
Ø Combination of Plant and storage type.
35. What are the possible ways for creating a transfer order?
Ø Follow-on function from O/D.
Ø Using O/D monitor
Ø Using collective processing
Ø Automatic/direct transfer order based on output timings
36. What is a Pick list?
Ø Combining transfer orders from several outbound deliveries.
37. What will be the confirmation status if quantities are partially picked?
Confirmation status will be confirmed [C] irrespective of pick quantity.
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